El Restaurante - At The Bar

Liquid Luxury


With fall’s arrival comes a focus on new menus. Behind the bar, that means creating cocktails that complement the cooler temperatures and heartier food fall and winter bring.

A well-chosen selection of liqueurs — specialty beverages that combine a base spirit with ingredients ranging from coffee, coconut, and chocolate to honey, fruits, nuts, herbs, and spices —can be an integral part of the mixologist’s tool kit through the holidays and well into winter 2023.

The Sweetness Factor

When guests see liqueur as an ingredient in a cocktail they’re considering, they might question if the drink will be too sweet.

"In today's world, sugar is often viewed as a negative", says Taylor Barton, beverage director of Encanto Restaurant & Bar in Los Angeles. However, he explains, it actually helps bind and blend flavors.

El elemento Dulce

Cuando los clientes ven que el licor forma parte del cóctel que consideran comprar es posible que se pregunten si la bebida será demasiado dulce.

"En el mundo actual, el azúcar se considera a menudo como algo negativo", afirma Taylor Barton, director de bebidas de Encanto Restaurant & Bar en Los Ángeles. Sin embargo, según explica, en realidad ayuda a ligar y mezclar los sabores.

Written by/Escrito por: MaidenNamePress



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